Behind the Scenes
Trailer «Mein TraumRaum»
Our gifted filmmaker and this year's film workshop leader, Julian Heinke, has once again managed to capture the essence of the project for «Mein TraumRaum» in a short trailer, which can now be seen on various platforms and in some cinemas in the whole Canton Aargau.
Interview with Patrick Grigo
Patrick Grigo is a coach and dance teacher for urban dances and has been a professional dancer in the field of urban dance for over 25 years. He has been part of the Tanz & Kunst Königsfelden team for 10 years in the educational projects and is back in 2024 as part of "Mein TraumRaum".

Project week of the 3rd classes
After a successful project week within «Mein TraumRaum» with the 3rd classes of the primary school in Gränichen, a big final show took place and more than 300 parents and siblings of the approximately 80 participating children were amazed and applauded loudly after each performance.
For almost a month, the ensemble has been rehearsing at the Residenzzentrum tanz+ under the direction of Filipe Portugal and Salomé Martins. In the video you can see a small part of their rehearsal process.

Ruth Maria Obrist
Ruth Maria Obrist from Baden is the creator of this year's art installation. She already created the stage design for the international dance production "babel.torre viva" in 2013.

Small Insight
The rehearsal process for "Heimlich seufzen die Winde" began this month at the Residenzzentrum tanz+. The picture shows Dominic Harrison and Eleanor Freeman, who are both part of this year's ensemble.
Insights into the first rehearsals at the Residenzzentrum tanz+ for the upcoming festival.

Choreographer Filipe Portugal
The Portuguese-Swiss choreographer Filipe Portugal, formerly a soloist with the Ballett Zürich, is working with an international dance ensemble as well as a string quintet and singer to create a Gesamtkunstwerk for the monastery church Königsfelden. Shown here in the photo with artistic director Brigitta Luisa Merki.

Rehearsal Start
The first rehearsals for the 2023 festival production have begun. For a fortnight, five of the ten dancers are rehearsing together with choreographer Filipe Portugal at the Residenzzentrum tanz+ in Baden.
Sign Language
Since January, the pupils have been learning the basics of sign language in the educational art project «Gib mir die Hand». Yasemin Özdemir, sign language specialist, has been practising diligently with them - today Andrin Siebenhaar, himself deaf, visited us and communicated with the pupils in signs!

Tele M1
TV channel Tele M visited us right at the beginning of our project week and recorded various impressions of all the workshops on video. Watch the finished TV report here.
Move Too Hot
This week, the young dance group "Move Too Hot" from Germany visits us. Whether hip-hop, breaking, house, locking, popping or socials - it doesn't matter to the dancers! They like to move to the music, feel the groove and know how to express themselves. Together with Patrick Grigo, they teach the students the moves.
Sign Language
Insights into the sign language workshop with Yasemin Özdemir. In 2018, she completed her training as a sign language specialist FAGS at the Interkantonalen Hochschule für Heilpädagogik HfH und Schweizerischer Gehörlosenbund SGB-FSS. She works as a teaching assistant at the Zentrum für Gehör und Sprache.
Sign Language
In addition to the workshops in the various art forms such as dance, film and stage design, the students are also introduced to basic elements of sign language, which are incorporated into the performance. Yasemin Özdemir visits the pupils throughout the project. The message in the video: Today the dance project started in Baden, Kanton Aargau. In this project dance, theatre and sign language come together.

First Dance Lessons
On 10 January 2022, the first hip-hop lessons took place with pupils from Baden's Ländli and Tannegg schools. Patrick Grigo, multiple world and European champion in hip-hop and breakdance (associations: ESDU, IDC, WCOPA) and national trainer of the Austrian Breaking National Squad worked on the choreography with the pupils for half a year. More about the educational art project "Gib mir die Hand" here!

The show must go on
The workplace of Amadis Brugnoni: He is a freelance FOH engineer working with touring artists and in music theater shows. His musical areas of activity range from rock/pop to jazz/world to classical music. He has been working for our productions for many years.
Ballett shoes from Bloch
Valentina Pedica prepares her Bloch ballet shoes for the performances. We thank Ballet Shop Zug for the great cooperation!

Fran Kovacic
The Croatian began his dance career in 2009 in Zagreb at the "Škola za balet i ritmiku" and completed his master's degree at the Academy of Dance of the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim.
At the ballet gala of the Birgit Keil dance foundation in 2018, Fran Kovacic performed “Soirée Musicales” by Kenneth Macmillan. The following year the play was performed at the Badisches Staatstheater in Karlsruhe. Fran Kovacic won 3rd place in the “Ballet Competition Mia Čorak Slavenska”. From 2012 to 2018 he danced in Derek Deane's “The Nutcracker” at the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb. During this time numerous engagements took place at the “Hungarian Dance Academy” in Budapest and at the “Škola za klasični balet” in Zagreb.
Sara Penella
The Italian dancer Sara Pennella completed her dance studies at the Balletto di Toscana in Florence in 2009 and then danced in the Compagnia Giovanile Junior Balletto di Toscana and the Compagnia Giovane Balletto Mediterraneo. From 2012 to 2014 was Sara a member of the Oniin Dance Company and toured worldwide. In the following years she worked as a freelance dancer with the Samady Dance Company, Artemis Danza and in 2015 and 2019 for tanz & kunst Koenigsfelden in SIBIL.LA and IKARUS, fly or die. She has been a member of the performing arts company NoGravity since 2018.
Kaleidoscope String Quartet
The Kaleidoscope String Quartet's consistently chosen path of music-making without blinkers leads them into musical realms in which genre classifications become obsolete. The musicians, trained in jazz and classical music, find their own sound language through the string quartet, the supreme discipline of classical music, which explores musical boundaries and always seeks points of connection to other genres. Listen here to "Introspection".
In The Monastery Church Königsfelden
Artistic director Brigitta Luisa Merki introduced the staff of the Königsfelden Monastery Church to the play "Sei Nacht zu mir". She talked about the inspirations and ideas behind the production. The title of the choreography is borrowed from a love poem by the German-Iranian writer SAID. ("Sei Nacht zu mir" "Liebesgedichte" Verlag C.H.Beck). In this project, the great longing for closeness and encounter finds expression in the poetic pas de deux of dance and music.

"OPEN" Making-Of
The cultural institutions in Kurtheater Baden, ThiK - Theater im Kornhaus, STERK CINE AG and the residency centre tanz +/Tanz & Kunst Königsfelden have initiated their own short film project OPEN for public spaces. OPEN is in cooperation with various shops in and around Baden. The videos will be shown in public spaces.
Interview Claudio Costantino
Claudio Costantino began his dance education at the Maison d'Art in Catanzaro and continued it in Florence at the Balletto di Toscana. From 2004 to 2008 he delighted the audience with the company Junior Balletto di Toscana. Until 2012 he worked with the Basel Ballet under the artistic direction of Richard Wherlock. This was followed by an engagement at the theatre in Regensburg. He danced choreographies by Johan Inger, Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin, Nacho Duato, Stephan Toss, Rami Be'er, Fabrizio Monteverde, Christopher Bruce, Jorma Elo, Yuko Mori and Shumpei Nemoto. Since 2014 he works as a freelance artist.

Valentina Pedica
Valentina Pedica was born in Fabriano, Italy. She studied dance at the IDA Ballet Academy in Ravenna and completed her ballet and contemporary studies in Madrid at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza Mariemma. After master studies throughout Europe, she became a member of the Celli Contemporary Ballet in Rome in 2012. In 2013 Valentina wins the 1st prize at the Spoleo International Dance Competition. In the dance film "Motion Games" by Lucas van Woerkum and Ruben Van Leer (NL) she performs in the choreography of Lukas Timulak (Nederlands Dans Theater). Since 2013 she has been a dancer at Dantzaz Konpainia and has worked with renowned choreographers such as Itzik Galili, Lukas Timulak and Jacek Przybylowicz.

Costume design
Costume designer Carmen Perez has been working closely with artistic director Brigitta Luisa Merki for many years. For the production "Sei Nacht zu mir", she has come all the way from Spain to accompany the rehearsals live. This means that changes and adjustments can be made directly in the training sessions.
Interview Antonia Somera
Canadian dancer Antonio Somera tells us in a short portrait what he particularly likes about working for the current production. In Canada, Antonio interprets works for choreographers and companies such as Julie Chapple/Future Leisure, Alvin Erasga Tolentino/Co.ERASGA, Dancers Dancing, The Response Dance Company and OURO Collective.

International Dance Ensemble
In these uncertain times, the dancers are especially happy to be able to work again! They rehearse together in the studios of the Residenzzentrum tanz+ and live together in the guest house. All participating artists get tested twice a week and comply with the Corona measures.

Our Dance Ensemble Is Complete
We are happy to announce that our dance ensemble is complete! They have travelled to Baden from Canada, Australia, England, Spain and Italy to rehearse for the dance production "Sei Nacht zu mir". Trainings are now taking place daily in the premises of the residence centre tanz+.

Residency Centre tanz+
It is with great pleasure that we open the residency centre tanz+ in Baden in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland. The residency centre tanz+ serves to promote professional dance creation as well as the diversity of different dance disciplines and the networking and mediation of local and international groups. tanz+ places a high value on the artistic process. With its comprehensive offer, the residency centre represents the art form of dance in all its diversity. It offers space for interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary productions in dance, music and art.
Detailed information can be found here!

Reminisce about the last production
The last international dance production "Ikarus – stirb oder flieg" took place in summer 2019. In this piece, the tragic Icarus flight from Greek myth found its way into the sacred space. An international ensemble of 13 dancers and 8 musicians followed the longing and rapture of the visionary flight to the sun and reinterpreted the myth. This photo was taken during the dance rehearsals. © Alex Spichale
Kaleidoscope String Quartet
We hope you had a good start into the new year and can look into the future with new energy. When it is cold and gray outside, music helps against the eternal melancholy. The Kaleidoscope String Quartet will take you away from everyday life for a moment with their sounds.
Song "Gospodine Marquis".

Night is the time of exstasy. It holds the secret of a world of evocation of love and hope - a world in which man's longing seeks redemption. The nocturnal roots reach deep into the creative symbolic world of human longing. In love poetry, the meeting of lovers often takes place under the sign of the night and the moon. Strongly inspired by the words of the German-Iranian writer SAID, a sensual production awaits you in summer 2021.

Venue Königsfelden Monastery Church
At the centre of Tanz & Kunst Königsfelden is the basic idea of creating interdisciplinary productions "for the place and from the place". The artistic works of art with a focus on dance are conceived and choreographed especially for the special venue and its immediate surroundings. "Seit Nacht zu mir!" will be performed at the Königsfelden Monastery Church from 27 May to 27 June 2021.
Kaleidoscope String Quartet
We are especially pleased that the Kaleidsocope String Quartet is part of our international dance production 2021! The Kaleidoscope String Quartet's consistently chosen path of music-making without blinkers leads them into musical realms where genre classifications become obsolete. The musicians, trained in jazz and classical music, find their own sound language through the string quartet, the supreme discipline of classical music, which explores musical boundaries and always seeks points of connection to other genres.

Preparations are underway
We are already working on the posters for the upcoming international dance project which will take place from 27 May to 27 June 2021 in the Königsfelden Monastery Church. This much can be revealed: The Brazilian dancer Marlúcia do Amaral will grace the poster of our renowned dance festival. Stay curious!

Sei Nacht zu mir
We are already working on the new international dance production "Sei Nacht zu mir!". In the latest project, the great longing for intimacy and encounter finds expression in the poetic pas de deux of dance and music. Dancers and musicians find a variety of mutual dialogues in the sign of the night. The night holds the secret of love and hope, of a world in which the longing seeks redemption. In the choreography by Remus Şucheană, former director of the Ballett am Rhein in Düsseldorf, an international contemporary dance ensemble of 10 dancers interprets the different facets of nocturnal love poetry. The renowned Swiss music ensemble "Kaleiodoscope String Quartet" plays their own compositions live.